1.  SAU has signed and returned the certification and Agreement to the US Department of Education, and SAU intends to use 50% of the funds to provide emergency financial aid grants to the students.
2.  The total amount of funds received by SAU for the emergency financial aid grants is $725,019.
3.  The total that has been distributed to the students is $666,086.
4.  The total number of students eligible to receive the emergency aid grants is 821.
5.  The total number of students that have received the emergency aid grants is 739.
6.  The method used to determine which students will receive and how much each student will receive. View table below.

CARES Act Disbursement Summary
Type No. of students Per Student Total to Disburse
Pell Students 595 $950 $565,250
Non-Pell Students 226 $707 $159,782
Total 821 $725,032
Total Pell (595 students) $565,250
Total Non-Pell (226 students) $159,782
Total Disbursement (821 students) (coming soon) $725,032
Total Cares Act Funding $725,019
Total SAU (Unrestricted) Funding $13

7.  Any instructions, directions, or guidance provided to the students by the university. 

CARES Act Message from the Division of Business and Administration

How the CARES Act/Stimulus Funding is Used